Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
A beautiful Fall morning here at Furry Tail Farms
Not about radios but just had to share this beautiful morning!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
How to Give a Cat a Pill (Oldie but Goodie just for fun)
1. Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat’s mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.
2. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.
3. Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.
4. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.
6. Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.
7. Retrieve cat from curtain rail. Get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.
8. Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw
9. Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans and drink one beer to take taste away. Apply band-aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.
10. Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another pill. Open another beer. Place cat in cupboard, and close door onto neck, to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.
11. Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Drink beer. Fetch bottle of scotch. Pour shot, drink. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus shot. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect. Toss back another shot. Throw tee-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.
12. Call fire department to retrieve the damn cat from the top of the tree across the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil wrap.
13. Using heavy-duty pruning gloves from shed, tie the little *&#%^'s front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of filet steak. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour two pints of water down throat to wash pill down.
14. Consume remainder of scotch. Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room. Sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.
15. Arrange for RSPCA to collect mutant cat from hell and call local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.
Monday, September 13, 2010
What if we Could....
I've been thinking again. This is not always a good thing. Just ask my wife. Be that as it may, I had a thought. What if I could get my test bench back up and running, get some old radios fixed up, seek out old Amateur Radio operators at assisted living homes, and spend the afternoon with them letting them once again tune the dial and talk to folks around the world? My Mom passed away in one such home and, I can tell you, these poor folks, at least the ones I saw, Are bored out of their skulls!
Well, The first thing I did was to put an add in Craigslist looking for old test gear that folks would either give me or let me buy cheap. I am on a serious budget, hence the "cheap". I have been amazed at folks generosity. The Wilson Creek Boys, my little loose-knit group of HAM buddies donated stuff, I got lots of old gear, some I am refurbishing for the bench and some I am selling in order to buy more supplies, i.e. capacitors, resistors, solder, etc. All this before I know if I will even be allowed to go into a home and do this. How wonderful.
I especially want to thank John, K5BOI for the donation of an O'Scope, Dan, W5FRT, for his offer of a tube test to use and all the tubes I want. From Craigslist there was Jack, K1HW. Jack filled up the back of my car with old test gear and didn't charge me a dime. Jonathan, down in Austin gave me a super deal on a Tube tester. Another fellow gave me a variac isolation transformer. I offered to pay these folks but they would not take a dime.
I am so amazed at the selfless generosity of Amateur Radio operators and the public in general. The news would have you believe that there are few good folks left in this world and, a month ago I would have probably agreed with that. But, after the last month, and what I have seen, and the people I have met - total strangers - I now disagree. Thank you all so much!
So what now? Well, once I get the test gear all up and working, I am going to try and find some old shortwave receivers and maybe some old transceivers. They will be restored and then we will see. Can I find some old Hams that would like to spend the day on the radio? Will the homes let me in? I am sure going to try.
Do you have any ideas dear reader? Please, drop me an email or leave a comment here so we can all share. Perhaps I should also look at helping the other in of the spectrum as well. Here, I am talking about new Ham's, Boy Scouts, kids in school. Maybe we can use this project to teach these young folks electronics, help them get their license? What do you think? Am I out of my tree? I would really appreciate any feedback or suggestions any of you might have.
Updates to follow. 73 for now friends!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Restoring Heathkit AR-2
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Great Chicken Massacre of 2010
If you recall the joy of my previous post, "Chicks Man", then you may be saddened, as we were to find that we had a chicken massacre last night.
The culprit - most likely a small fox - broke into the hen house and killed (feasted upon) 8 of the 20 young birds. The dogs barked a lot during the night but, they bark so dang much we thought little of it.
The wife and I will fill the beer cooler, load the guns, and be on stake out come the weekend.
And so it goes on the farm!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
The culprit - most likely a small fox - broke into the hen house and killed (feasted upon) 8 of the 20 young birds. The dogs barked a lot during the night but, they bark so dang much we thought little of it.
The wife and I will fill the beer cooler, load the guns, and be on stake out come the weekend.
And so it goes on the farm!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, August 9, 2010
Swan Woes
My Swan was cooking along wonderfully after having new finals and a new driver tube put in. But, after only a few QSOs it quit transmitting. The receive audio is also very low.
I suspect the relay but cannot get the cover off of it to check and burnish the contacts. Not having a good place to lay it all out where I can work on it and leave it should I not finish is also an issue. So, for now I am using the Icom 706 barefoot at 100W. Poo!
In the mean time, if anyone has any suggestions I would be grateful.
I suspect the relay but cannot get the cover off of it to check and burnish the contacts. Not having a good place to lay it all out where I can work on it and leave it should I not finish is also an issue. So, for now I am using the Icom 706 barefoot at 100W. Poo!
In the mean time, if anyone has any suggestions I would be grateful.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Chicks Man!
Besides Ham Radio, my wife and I run a small farm. We have chickens and goats and dogs and cats, and we have a lot of fun with it. We get milk from the goats and eggs from the chickens - all fresh, all natural. After all, a fellow has to keep up his strength so he can play radio, right?
Over the weekend, We had 23 eggs hatch, doubling our current flock of egg laying hens. This was the first time we tried to incubate and hatch eggs. I must say it was pretty cool. Take a look at the video and see if you don't agree that these are the cutest little things ever.
73 and God Bless,
Over the weekend, We had 23 eggs hatch, doubling our current flock of egg laying hens. This was the first time we tried to incubate and hatch eggs. I must say it was pretty cool. Take a look at the video and see if you don't agree that these are the cutest little things ever.
73 and God Bless,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Get your WAS quickly and make life long friends while doing it!
Old Man International Sideband Society
I have recently discovered a group of amateurs that work together to help each other get their WAS quickly and they have a great time while doing it. I have found these HAMs to be supportive and encouraging - Something that is hard for new HAMs to find on the HF bands anymore. Let me list one example from a member. After reading it, I hope you will tune in and give them a shout! As for me? I am sold. Sending my application in today!
This is what John, K0JDD has to say about the OMISS group:
I became a new Ham in May 2007 as a General Class licensee. I had
dreams of working HF and "seeing the world" via radio! I had a pretty
good idea of what I wanted to accomplish in my first year on HF but I
had no real idea on how to go about it. I didn't know when to listen, on
which bands, or where stations calling CQ were likely to be found. Sunspots
were just something that I had learned about in preparing for the
test. Between June and early October of 2007 I managed to make just 12
HF contacts primarily during big events like Field Day and various State
QSO Parties. It was disheartening…
On October 13, 2007, I discovered OMISS. In three short months I
completed the Basic WAS (Worked All States) by checking into the
OMISS nets whenever I could. I now have 42 states worked on 80 meters
and a Single Band WAS is now within my grasp. I have a way to go on the
40-meter and 20-meter bands but the path to get there is very clear. I have
even worked Canada, Cuba, and The Azores! I would not have done any
of this by now without participating in the OMISS nets.
Now I admit that I like awards — and on the surface OMISS is about
awards — but I think OMISS has more to offer than just the awards. It
has given me some unexpected benefits, which I hope you will agree, are
worth more than any award certificate.
Confidence—Although I was never what you would call mic-shy, I was
worried I would make stupid mistakes and come off as a LID! OMISS has
allowed me to learn and practice good operating procedures and build
confidence in my operating skills in an environment that is easy-going and
Patient Encouragement—Without exception ALL of the OM’s (and
Ladies) I have encountered on OMISS have been patient with new operators
and in the true HAM sprit they are more than willing to offer a good
word or help out. Even if they should need to correct someone for failing
to follow good operating practices they do it with class and respect.
Role Models—Even a non-ham can pick out the A1 operators just by
listening. They are smooth, efficient, they get the job done correctly, they
have fun doing it and they make it all seem effortless: They are people you
want to be like. I will not name names here but there are many OMISS
members that I want to be like. I learn from them every time I hear them,
I try to remember what I have learned and then put it into practice.
Fellowship—Between the on-air banter and the Internet chat room that
is used as a back channel, there is a feeling of camaraderie within OMISS.
I have a many new ham friends at OMISS and as time goes on I am sure I
will have a lot more. I have tried other organizations with similar nets but,
quite frankly, they do not feel the same to me.
OMISS makes you feel welcome. It is a friendly place to visit. If you visit
once I guarantee that you will want to come back. The net schedule is
printed elsewhere in this brochure and is also available on the OMISS
web site at www.omiss.net.
Next time you are itching to make a QSO take my advice and check out
OMISS. Tell them K0JDD sent you! I am certain you will have a good
time and I look forward to our first contact. See you on the Net!
73 de K0JDD #6066
I have recently discovered a group of amateurs that work together to help each other get their WAS quickly and they have a great time while doing it. I have found these HAMs to be supportive and encouraging - Something that is hard for new HAMs to find on the HF bands anymore. Let me list one example from a member. After reading it, I hope you will tune in and give them a shout! As for me? I am sold. Sending my application in today!
This is what John, K0JDD has to say about the OMISS group:
I became a new Ham in May 2007 as a General Class licensee. I had
dreams of working HF and "seeing the world" via radio! I had a pretty
good idea of what I wanted to accomplish in my first year on HF but I
had no real idea on how to go about it. I didn't know when to listen, on
which bands, or where stations calling CQ were likely to be found. Sunspots
were just something that I had learned about in preparing for the
test. Between June and early October of 2007 I managed to make just 12
HF contacts primarily during big events like Field Day and various State
QSO Parties. It was disheartening…
On October 13, 2007, I discovered OMISS. In three short months I
completed the Basic WAS (Worked All States) by checking into the
OMISS nets whenever I could. I now have 42 states worked on 80 meters
and a Single Band WAS is now within my grasp. I have a way to go on the
40-meter and 20-meter bands but the path to get there is very clear. I have
even worked Canada, Cuba, and The Azores! I would not have done any
of this by now without participating in the OMISS nets.
Now I admit that I like awards — and on the surface OMISS is about
awards — but I think OMISS has more to offer than just the awards. It
has given me some unexpected benefits, which I hope you will agree, are
worth more than any award certificate.
Confidence—Although I was never what you would call mic-shy, I was
worried I would make stupid mistakes and come off as a LID! OMISS has
allowed me to learn and practice good operating procedures and build
confidence in my operating skills in an environment that is easy-going and
Patient Encouragement—Without exception ALL of the OM’s (and
Ladies) I have encountered on OMISS have been patient with new operators
and in the true HAM sprit they are more than willing to offer a good
word or help out. Even if they should need to correct someone for failing
to follow good operating practices they do it with class and respect.
Role Models—Even a non-ham can pick out the A1 operators just by
listening. They are smooth, efficient, they get the job done correctly, they
have fun doing it and they make it all seem effortless: They are people you
want to be like. I will not name names here but there are many OMISS
members that I want to be like. I learn from them every time I hear them,
I try to remember what I have learned and then put it into practice.
Fellowship—Between the on-air banter and the Internet chat room that
is used as a back channel, there is a feeling of camaraderie within OMISS.
I have a many new ham friends at OMISS and as time goes on I am sure I
will have a lot more. I have tried other organizations with similar nets but,
quite frankly, they do not feel the same to me.
OMISS makes you feel welcome. It is a friendly place to visit. If you visit
once I guarantee that you will want to come back. The net schedule is
printed elsewhere in this brochure and is also available on the OMISS
web site at www.omiss.net.
Next time you are itching to make a QSO take my advice and check out
OMISS. Tell them K0JDD sent you! I am certain you will have a good
time and I look forward to our first contact. See you on the Net!
73 de K0JDD #6066
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Good weekend for DX - Happy 4th
There are a lot of special event stations this 4th of July weekend, and throughout the week. You might want to try seeing how many of the original 13 colonies you can work. Go here for the details. Even if you only work one station you will qualify for a very nice certificate shown below.
I ahve worked 2 stations on the old Swan 500. Broke two really good pile ups. I also worked N. Ireland and Portugal, all on 20 meters and all at night. It was a lot of fun.
Happy 4th everyone and God Bless!
I ahve worked 2 stations on the old Swan 500. Broke two really good pile ups. I also worked N. Ireland and Portugal, all on 20 meters and all at night. It was a lot of fun.
Happy 4th everyone and God Bless!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Swan 500 Update - Initial Testing
Much to my surprise the old Swan came to life with no smoke, no flame. In fact, no drama at all. After applying power, there was a tense 30 to 40 seconds when the S-meter pegged all the way to the right. But slowly, The needle began to move to left and the audio came up. The old familiar smell of old transformers, warm dust, and tubes heating up filled the air.
The first order of business: test the receive and tuning circuits. Starting with the band switch in the "28" setting (10 meters), I turned the dial. Not many signals found here but everything felt ok. On down the band switch I went. It was late in the evening. When the band switch hit the 40 and 80 meter bands I hit pay dirt. The squeal of the BFO against the strong AM shortwave broadcast stations, the familiar dah-dit-dit of Morse Code, and SSB phone - men who sounded first like the chipmunks and then like a deep baritone as I turned the dial - all came booming in.
So far so good. The old Swan spread her wings and brought the world into my small ham shack. Feeling a sense of both relief and satisfaction, I thought that was enough for the night. I hit the power switch and turned the old girl off. I swear it looked like she winked at me as her lights went out.
Next update: Will she talk?
The first order of business: test the receive and tuning circuits. Starting with the band switch in the "28" setting (10 meters), I turned the dial. Not many signals found here but everything felt ok. On down the band switch I went. It was late in the evening. When the band switch hit the 40 and 80 meter bands I hit pay dirt. The squeal of the BFO against the strong AM shortwave broadcast stations, the familiar dah-dit-dit of Morse Code, and SSB phone - men who sounded first like the chipmunks and then like a deep baritone as I turned the dial - all came booming in.
So far so good. The old Swan spread her wings and brought the world into my small ham shack. Feeling a sense of both relief and satisfaction, I thought that was enough for the night. I hit the power switch and turned the old girl off. I swear it looked like she winked at me as her lights went out.
Next update: Will she talk?
Why everyone needs a shortwave radio
The Senate is considering a bill that would give President Obama unprecedented new powers to control the internet in a national emergency. The bill, introduced by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) would give the White House what some have called an internet "kill switch" allowing the president to shut down specific websites or whole portions of the internet. Lieberman says this will help protect "our economic security, national security, and public safety" from cyber-threats, but commentators on both the left and right have condemned the measure as a violation of online freedom. Read the rest of the story HERE.
This has been dubbed "The Internet Kill Switch". Will it pass? Who knows what the government will do. They are certainly not asking me for my opinion. I am no alarmist but, this is one more reason to keep your radio gear and antennas in good working order. If you can, keep a generator or batteries on hand at all times. Make a Go-Kit and keep it stocked. Put together a family emergency kit
If you are not a HAM, buy a shortwave radio. Get one with a digital readout and an external antenna jack. You do not have to spend a fortune on this. Kaito makes one that can be had for around $70. It has been rated very highly by the Passport to World Band Radio. Grundig and C. Crane also make some very good portable shortwave receivers. Try to avoid the no-name knockoffs.
If you have a radio, you can at least hear what is going on. A shortwave radio will let you hear around the world. An Amateur Radio transceiver will let you communicate around the world. No Internet required! Get that HAM ticket!
This has been dubbed "The Internet Kill Switch". Will it pass? Who knows what the government will do. They are certainly not asking me for my opinion. I am no alarmist but, this is one more reason to keep your radio gear and antennas in good working order. If you can, keep a generator or batteries on hand at all times. Make a Go-Kit and keep it stocked. Put together a family emergency kit
If you are not a HAM, buy a shortwave radio. Get one with a digital readout and an external antenna jack. You do not have to spend a fortune on this. Kaito makes one that can be had for around $70. It has been rated very highly by the Passport to World Band Radio. Grundig and C. Crane also make some very good portable shortwave receivers. Try to avoid the no-name knockoffs.
If you have a radio, you can at least hear what is going on. A shortwave radio will let you hear around the world. An Amateur Radio transceiver will let you communicate around the world. No Internet required! Get that HAM ticket!
...no country can be well governed unless its citizens as a body keep religiously before their minds that they are the guardians of the law and that the law officers are only the machinery for its execution, nothing more.
- Mark Twain, The Gilded Age
- Mark Twain, The Gilded Age
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Ah! The smell of good old vacuum tubes!
I just bought a Swan 500 from a very nice fellow on Craig's list. I got it with the power supply and a nice D104 Mic. I am really looking forward to see if, and how well it works. I have not played with tubes since I re-cap'ed a Zenith Transoceanic receiver some 5 years ago.
It looks just like the pictures below though it is plain Jane, not the 500C. Here are the particulars on this old workhorse:
I really hope it looks like this when I plug it in...
and not like this...
It looks just like the pictures below though it is plain Jane, not the 500C. Here are the particulars on this old workhorse:
Introduced in 1967 as a deluxe version of the 350, the 500 offered 480 watts PEP-SSB power. The 500C, which was first sold in 1968, offered the same power output but had a 2.7 Kc bandpass for both transmit and receive, 50 db sideband suppression, and grid block CW keying. Pictured here is a deluxe version of the 500C, the SS16, complete with the 16 pole crystal filter. The 500CX was the final version of this series, and it offered the following improvements in 1970. New AGC circuit with faster attack and controlled decay, amplified automatic gain control (AAGC), 25 kc and 100 kc crystal calibrator, carrier suppression exceeding 60db, improved product detector, and increased AF gain with less distortion. A review of the 500C appears in the April 1969 issue of CQ.
Frequency Ranges
Introduced in 1967 as a deluxe version of the 350, the 500 offered 480 watts PEP-SSB power. The 500C, which was first sold in 1968, offered the same power output but had a 2.7 Kc bandpass for both transmit and receive, 50 db sideband suppression, and grid block CW keying. Pictured here is a deluxe version of the 500C, the SS16, complete with the 16 pole crystal filter. The 500CX was the final version of this series, and it offered the following improvements in 1970. New AGC circuit with faster attack and controlled decay, amplified automatic gain control (AAGC), 25 kc and 100 kc crystal calibrator, carrier suppression exceeding 60db, improved product detector, and increased AF gain with less distortion. A review of the 500C appears in the April 1969 issue of CQ.
Frequency Ranges
- 80 meters 3.5 to 4 mc
- 40 meters 7.0 to 7.450 mc
- 20 meters 14.0 to 14.450 mc
- 15 meters 21.0 to 21.450 mc
- 10 meters 28.0 to 29.7 mc
- Single Sideband, Suppressed Carrier:
520 watts PEP, minimum all bands - CW:
360 watts, dc input all bands - AM: (single sideband with carrier)
125 watts dc input all bands
- Distortion products down more than 30db
- Unwanted sideband down more than 50db
- Carrier suppression greater than 60db
- Less than 0.5 microvolt at 50 ohms impedance for signal-plus-noise to noise ratio of 10db
- Wide range Pi-network output matches antennas essencially resistive from 15 to 500 ohms impedance, with coarse and fine load adjustment.
- V1 6EW6 vfo amplifier
- V2 12BE6 transmitter mixer
- V3 6GK6 driver
- V4 6LQ6 PA
- V5 6LQ6 PA
- V6 12BZ6 receiver rf amplifier
- V7 12BE6 receiver mixer
- V8 6EW6 first IF amplifier
- V9 12BA6 second IF amplifier
- V10 12AX7 product detector / receive audio
- V11 6BN8 AGC amplifier / rectifier
- V12 6GK6 audio amplifier
- V13 6JH8 balanced modulator
- V15 12AX7 mic. amplifier / transmit audio
- V17 12BA6 100kc crystal calibrator
- Filiments: 12.6 volts, 5.5 amps, ac or dc
- Relay: 12 volts dc, 250 ma.
- Bias: -110 volts dc, 100ma
- Medium voltage: 275 volts dc, 150 ma
- High voltage: 800 volts dc, 550 ma. peak transmit
- Recommended supplys: 14-117 12 volt dc supply, 117X basic ac supply, 117XC matching ac supply / speaker, 14-C dc converter (for 117-X).
- 5.5 inches high by 13 inches wide by 11 inches deep
- weight 17.25 pounds
I really hope it looks like this when I plug it in...
and not like this...
Why do they call it "Amateur" Radio anyway?
There is a nasty misnomer that has circulated around for years concerning the hobby of amateur radio. It states that the "Amateur" in Amateur Radio means unskilled or unpaid. I want to correct this for anyone that might be confused because this really causes my feathers to droop.
First of all, the word "amateur" is derived from the latin verb "amo, amas, amat".
Used in English, it means "for the love of", NOT "for the compensation of"
To say that Amateur Radio operators are "Unskilled" is way off base too. Throughout the history of amateur radio, amateur radio enthusiasts have made significant contributions to society. Here are just a few examples:
- Built Economies: people.smu.edu/arc/ Inventor of IC "chip", Nobel Prize Winner Jack S. Kilby Credits Amateur Radio for His Start in Electronics.
- Created industry: http://www.bliley.net/XTAL/Industry-Hams.htmlTHE INFLUENCE OF AMATEUR RADIO ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMERCIAL MARKET FOR QUARTZ PIEZOELECTRIC RESONATORS IN THE UNITED STATES. By Patrick R. J. Brown, Hewlett Packard Company, Spokane Division
- Empowered nations: www.ari.vt.edu/internet/Impression/ICT.pdf Role of Amateur Radio in Development Communication of Bangladesh. Information & Communication Technology for Development. By Bazlur Rahman
- Saved lives: http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2004/12/29/100/?nc=1 Amateur Radio "Saved Lives" in South Asia ARRL.org
Amateur radio is a hobby and, by law, is completely non-commercial. Individual amateur "ham" radio operators pursue their hobby for personal pleasure through building their own radio stations - granted, not so much of that is going on these days - but, many still do. They communicate with their fellow Hams globally, and most strive for self-improvement through study and practice of electronics, computers, and radio / TV RF theory.
Radio amateurs are, thus, "amateurs" in the true sense of the word: pursuit of an activity only for the love of it.
Please excuse me now while I climb back down off my soap box.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Ham Radio Deluxe Fixes free QRZ lookup...AGAIN!
If you are having issues with the free QRZ.com lookup feature in Ham Radio Deluxe, download the latest version 5 beta, build 2610 and it will work again.
If you have further questions the support forums for the v5.0 betas are here.
Why not click the Pay Pal logo and make a donation while you are there. This is a nice super nice software bundle for free-fifty-free!
If you have further questions the support forums for the v5.0 betas are here.
Why not click the Pay Pal logo and make a donation while you are there. This is a nice super nice software bundle for free-fifty-free!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hearing is believing, Listening is everything

Speaking of dipoles; Last night I fired up the IC-706 to try and make some more progress on the WSPR project. As the audio came up I noticed it SOUNDED a little different. I set the frequency and hit the tuner and HEARD the tuner churning differently as well.
I decided to tune over to WWV and it also SOUNDED weaker. Something did not seem right. We had some very high straight line winds a few days a go but making a cursory look at that time showed my antenna to be alright.
But still, something still did not SOUND right so, I went out to the tower and, low and behold, there was 1/2 my dipole lying on the ground - broken right at the center coupler. I use a Wilson Creek Antenna. This is a trapped dipole, made by some HAM friends of mine. It is a very strong, very good antenna. It receives better than any trapped dipole I have ever used.
The antenna is at the top of a 49' tower and can be easily lowered using a rope and pulley system I set up. I lowered the beast down, resoldered the broken leg, and raised it up again. Returning to the shack I HEARD WWV loud and clear now. I retuned down to the 20M PSK frequency and hit the tuner again. One click, no churning. I was back in business.
Part of what you learn as you gain more experience in the hobby is to LOOK, SMELL, and LISTEN. This involves your own built in test equipment and doesn't cost a dime. If used properly, these senses can save you a lot of time and trouble. If the radio or tower or waterfall display - whatever - does not look right, something probably has changed. Smell carbon in the making? Better check that out too. Electronic components never seem to work correctly after the magic smoke has been let out of them.
Finally listening, not only to your equipment, but also to your Elmers and other friends can save you a lot of grief and teach you a great deal. You do not learn much by talking all the time. I have found this out the hard way on many occasions. D.J. Kaufman once said, "Wisdom is the reward for a lifetime of listening". Boy, do I need some wisdom!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
An Easier way to calculate Dipole length
How to get the RIGHT length for your dipole!
I cannot tell you how many times I have tested and cut, tested and cut, tested and cut TOO SHORT when trying to get a dipole the right length. If you have ever done the same you know how frustrating it can be.
I cannot tell you how many times I have tested and cut, tested and cut, tested and cut TOO SHORT when trying to get a dipole the right length. If you have ever done the same you know how frustrating it can be.
Well, Ian Keyser, G3ROO, the Aurthur of Practical and Tested
Aerial Systems has a very easy way to get the right length for your Dipole
every single time!
>From Ian, G3ROO -
"Make dipoles too long and erect it, now measure the
length and resonant frequency (with GDO or analyzer) and multiply them
together, Divide this figure by the {your} required frequency and it will
give you the correct length of the aerial."
Now. How simple is that? Buy that book, by the way, if you ever get the chance.
It is awesome.
Trying my best to "Whisper"
While I should have been working yesterday I found an interesting QRP blog. I already forgot who's blog it was. Anyway, they mentioned WSPR, commonly called "Whisper".
WSPR implements a protocol designed for probing potential propagation paths with low-power transmissions. Normal transmissions carry a station's callsign, Maidenhead grid locator, and transmitter power in dBm. The program can decode signals with S/N as low as -28 dB in a 2500 Hz bandwidth. That is right down in the noise and, to me, that makes this very interesting. Stations with internet access can automatically upload their reception reports to a central database called WSPRnet.
I downloaded the software to the laptop that I use to connect to my Icom 706. You can get it from WSJT's home page, and it is free. It went in no problem but I could not, for the life of me, get it to connect via the CAT connection to the IC-706. Let me back up just a bit here. There are two connections that need to be made: 1) a radio control connection (which is optional) and, 2) the sound card connection.
I got the call to dinner - which I NEVER refuse - so I left the install configuration to a later time. More on the progress in another post soon.
WSPR implements a protocol designed for probing potential propagation paths with low-power transmissions. Normal transmissions carry a station's callsign, Maidenhead grid locator, and transmitter power in dBm. The program can decode signals with S/N as low as -28 dB in a 2500 Hz bandwidth. That is right down in the noise and, to me, that makes this very interesting. Stations with internet access can automatically upload their reception reports to a central database called WSPRnet.
I downloaded the software to the laptop that I use to connect to my Icom 706. You can get it from WSJT's home page, and it is free. It went in no problem but I could not, for the life of me, get it to connect via the CAT connection to the IC-706. Let me back up just a bit here. There are two connections that need to be made: 1) a radio control connection (which is optional) and, 2) the sound card connection.
I got the call to dinner - which I NEVER refuse - so I left the install configuration to a later time. More on the progress in another post soon.
I finally gave in
I finally bit the bullet and decided to try my hand a blogging. Though primarily for Ham Radio, I will probably meander down other trails and other topics as we go along. I hope it will be informative and fun - FUN being the keyword here. I hope you enjoy it.
George, N0JRJ
George, N0JRJ
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